Despite modern medicine’s marvelous achievements, in the area of pain treatment, progress has been sorely lacking. All over the world, people who suffer from conditions like lower back pain, knee pain, frozen shoulders, osteoarthritis, scoliosis or sprains, have limited treatment options. Modern medicine’s answer to these conditions is usually some combination of painkillers, steroid injections, or invasive surgery.
At YAPCHANKOR, we know a better, safer way to treat pain (pain treatment and management). It is ironic that we have to dig deep into humanity’s past to find a pain treatment or pain relief solution that ancient Chinese physicians discovered when treating the injuries of martial arts warriors. Years of trial and error experimentation with various herbs and medicinal plants allowed these physicians to come up with formulas that work a great deal more effectively on your back pain or your sports injury.
YAPCHANKOR also embrace modern medicine’s advances by using certified physiotherapists to assess, diagnose and treat your pain. This way, we can objectively measure your progress towards recovery, and provide you comprehensive pain management plans that address all parts of the body’s healing process – from the inflammation stage, to the tissue healing stage, and to the tissue maturation and strengthening stage.